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Without Fear or Favor

Without Fear or Favor

Dr. John Hamblin


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203 pages

From the late 1800s, the newspaper world crafted and coined a phrase to describe a style of reporting that was totally free of partiality to party sects or personal interests. The idiom that they came up with was, "Without Fear or Favor."

When moving those four simple words to the pulpit arena, they successfully articulate those purposed men of God who never preach for earth's applause, but only preach for eternity's "Amen!"

In this consecrated category is an Elijah on Mount Carmel rebuking the false prophets of Baal, a John the Baptist thundering his message on the storied banks of the Jordan River, and a Brother Peter preaching on the day of Pentecost with 3,000 souls being swept into the family of God from a single sermon.

With the mighty men as mentors, Dr. John N. Hamblin has tirelessly traveled the length and breadth of America in revival meetings and national conferences. For forty years he has stood as a vigilant witness "without fear or favor." Those who read this bound volume will find the example and the exhortation to continue this same type of fearless and faithful proclaiming of the Word of God for generations yet to come.

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