When Unjust Critics Attack
When Unjust Critics Attack
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When the preacher in the pulpit is silent on critical matters, the country goes awry, but intense heat is generated when the preacher speaks on these matters. These good and godly servants of the Lord often become the targets of vicious critics. These critics are often reckless. They make false claims. They make unjust charges. When the battle rages (as it inevitably will) and the unjust criticism is being hurled with fierce determination (as it is), what is the servant of God to do? In this pamphlet, Dr. Smith ably answers this question by giving thirteen principles by which we should live when we are under attack. Quotes from Dr. John R. Rice's sermon "Be a Fundamentalist but Not a Nut" and Curtis Hutson's "Unnecessary Divisions Among Fundamentalists" are included to provide us with the wisdom of these great men of God.
15 pgs | Pamphlet | Dr. Shelton Smith