What the Bible Teaches
What the Bible Teaches
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What the Bible Teaches—Inspiration, Creation, Evolution, Science, Deity, Christ, the Cross, Religion, Eternal Security, the Church and You
What does the Bible teach about evolution... about science...about religion...about eternal security? These are questions that face mature believers as well as new converts. Here are some answers. Dr. Raymond Barber is a man dedicated to rightly dividing the Word of Truth, and the studies presented here are taken directly from God's Word.
Presented in a clear and concise manner, this book will be an excellent resource for preachers and teachers, as well as a source of inspiration and sound doctrine for lay people.
As new teachers and ideas come and go, it is essential that those seeking to stay true to the faith understand what the Bible teaches.
In a busy world, with ever-changing values, people need Bible truths to anchor their lives. What the Bible Teaches will give conviction and understanding to new believers, discernment, and wisdom to the mature.
160 pgs | Paperback | Dr. Raymond Barber