Wholesome foods, invigorating exercise and rejuvenating vitamins are all parts of a regimen for good health. There is no denying that the vitamins God created to nourish and strengthen the human body are vital for our well-being.
Too often, though, we focus solely on the physical to the point that we neglect the health of our souls. Many believers live anemic lives, become fatigued in emotional battles, fall into temptation and remain defeated because there is no daily intake of spiritual vitamins. God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3-4). These exceeding great and precious promises are written for us to have abundant Christian lives.

About the Author: As a teacher at heart, Kathy devotes her time to her family, her Sunday school class, a girls’ club and ladies’ meetings. Since graduating from a Bible college with a Bachelor of Science degree in education, she has taught in a few Christian schools and is now currently homeschooling her children.
Kathy and her husband, Gary, along with their five children, have been in missionary work for over twenty years in Venezuela and Puerto Rico. They have experienced many challenges and changes while also seeing the fruit that remains. Though Kathy stays busy, in her spare time she loves reading, gardening and tutoring young people.