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Upside Down and Right Side Up

Upside Down and Right Side Up


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The early disciples were accused of having "turned the world upside down" (acts 17:6). The Gospel, of course, sets things right, but to the "upside down" accusers, right looked wrong. Upon such twisting of the truth, God has pronounced, "Woe" (Isa. 5:20). Christians can also permit things to creep into their lives which turn them "upside down" spiritually. When this world begins to look all right to a believer, it is evidence that the process is well underway. We can hardly help this deluded world get back on its feet while we are standing on our heads. In this pamphlet, Dr. Smith describes just what "right side up" is and how we can maintain it. When we are right, we will recognize the true condition of the culture and be motivated to continue the effort begun by the apostles of turning an "upside down" world "right side up."

21 pgs | Pamphlet | Dr. Shelton Smith

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