Dr. Curtis Hutson was one of the greatest soul winners of the 20th century. His own personal soul-winning testimony tells the story: “I pastored a small church for six years before I knew anything about soul winning. In those six years I never personally led anyone to Christ. I preached at the church on weekends and carried mail for my livelihood.“ In 1961 I attended a Sword of the Lord Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, after reading about it in the Sword of the Lord, which I found in the mail. “At that conference my heart was stirred for soul winning, and I made a vow to God that I would make soul winning my main business. Two days later I led my first three souls to Christ. The next day they walked the aisle for believer’s baptism. The excitement built. In a short time I resigned my job at the post office to win souls and preach the Gospel.”
This album is a training course to teach you step by step how to win souls to Christ. On four audio recordings: Dr. Hutson covers every detail in a clear, concise manner. Thousands of Christians have been successfully trained to win souls using this material.