Soul Winning
Soul Winning
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The winning of souls to trust in Jesus Christ and be saved from their sin is the principal duty of every Christian in the world. This is the thing nearest to the heart of God. This is why He sent His only begotten Son. In this pamphlet, Dr. Rice talks about "bloody hands"—the sevenfold sin of not winning souls—and how to cleanse them through God's way of soul winning.
35 pgs | Pamphlet | Dr. John R. Rice
I cut my spiritual teeth on scripture and the writing of John R Rice, I still think he’s one of the best, if not the best Christian author there is. This is one of his most important booklets and I would recommend it to every Christian, including new converts. Oh, What the church could accomplish if they just heeded his warnings.
So glad to be able to get this pamphlet to give to ladies who attended a class on soul winning. I heard Bro. Rice in person and to be able to share his wisdom and preaching with others is a blessing.