More Rules That Rebels Live By
More Rules That Rebels Live By
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As proven in Scripture time and time again, rebellion brings heartache and ruin to a person's life. Rebels persist in their destructive patterns of behavior, caring not how much wreckage they leave in their wake. Even though they may think they are independent of all guidelines and regulations, the Bible clearly shows that rebels have their own rules and motives for the unhappy choices they make.
With love and compassion, Evangelist Jeff Farnham shows the error in each mistaken way of the rebel. He then explains the right path that the righteous person follows and gives abundant real-life illustrations which affirm his conclusions. His previous book entitled Rules That Rebels Live By has been very beneficial for pastors, teachers, soul winners and parents. This sequel will continue to exhort and encourage.
205 pgs | Paperback | Dr. Jeff Farnham