Missing God's Last Train to Heaven
Missing God's Last Train to Heaven
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In the Book of Jeremiah the Bible states, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." Neglected opportunity passes, always. Every man who goes to Hell has let God's harvest time pass by, and has refused the time of opportunity and rejected the limited call of mercy. Every soul in Hell may well remember this pitiful lament, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. "Dr. Rice shows us in this pamphlet that certain great times of opportunity for salvation pass away. Those six times are: the harvest of youth, the harvest of God's special dealing, the harvest of reapers and loved ones who try to get people saved, the harvest of Holy Spirit conviction, the harvest of revival and the harvest of life itself.
Regular Print: 22 pgs
Large Print: 45 pgs
Pamphlet | Dr. John R. Rice