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Last Judgment of the Unsaved Dead, The

Last Judgment of the Unsaved Dead, The


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Men must stand before God and be judged for their sin. Unsaved men, condemned men, doomed men, men who will already have tasted the torments of the damned in Hell, these men and women and children must stand before God in judgment. Then, out of the closet of the dead past will come the grinning, horrible skeletons of past sins, to face and condemn every sinner. Skeletons must all come out of their closets, and chickens must come home to roost. The twentieth chapter of Revelation very carefully and in detail describes the last judgment of the unsaved dead. What Dr. Rice says in this message is not imagination or man's opinion, but is entirely based upon the Word of God.  All those who read this pamphlet will have to spend eternity somewhere. You must give an account to God. Read this pamphlet to find out about the last judgment of the unsaved dead.

23 pgs | Pamphlet | Dr. John R. Rice

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