John R. Rice Commentaries Set
John R. Rice Commentaries Set
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Dr. John R. Rice, founder and first editor of the Sword of the Lord, was a prolific author throughout much of the twentieth century. In addition to editorials and dozens of teaching pamphlets that are still in wide use, he wrote a number of major theological works dealing with many facets of the Christian faith. Among these are several verse-by-verse commentaries on some of the key books of the Bible.
Included in this set:
Genesis: In the Beginning
Matthew: King of the Jews
Luke: The Son of Man
John: The Son of God
I & II Corinthians: The Church of God at Corinth
Revelation: Behold He Cometh
Dr. Rice was always able to put it in plan English. Even though highly educated his writings were done so everyone could understand.
Dr. John R. Rice, Commentaries Are One Of The World's Best Books.