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Jesus Paid It All

Jesus Paid It All


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The sin debt owed by each of us is enormous! As a consequence, we are spiritually bankrupt and therefore facing a catastrophic eternity. The stakes are neither monetary nor material, but they are so pervasive as to affect today and all the tomorrows of an everlasting forever.

Our eternal souls hang in the balance. Since even "our righteousnesses are as filthy rags," (Isa. 64:6), all could be lost because we could never repay the debt we owe. But amazingly the Lord God has graciously and generously paid our debt for us.

Dr. Shelton Smith simply and scripturally explains the greatest story ever told. The full payment of our sin debt and the purchase price of our salvation are provided because "Jesus Paid It All." Sin is no longer an albatross from which there is no escape. There is good news. When we receive Christ as Saviour, Hell is no longer our destiny.

The Lord Jesus forgives our sin and awards us a home in Heaven when we die. 

Read about the greatest expression of love in the history of the human race—it is called Jesus Paid It All!

12 pgs | Pamphlet | Dr. Shelton Smith

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