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Healing the Wounded Church

Healing the Wounded Church


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The church was designed to be a loving fellowship where everything runs smoothly. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. The church is made up of and led by people, and even redeemed people have weaknesses. People get hurt; and as Dwight Tomlinson says in "Healing the Wounded Church," "Hurting people hurt people." The church is of utmost importance to Jesus, and it is worth great effort and cost to restore a wounded church to health. It is also a very difficult task. Drawing from the Bible and his own experiences, Pastor Tomlinson gives seasoned, Scriptural advice on how to deal with the issues which confront both pastor and people who need to recover from the injury of major divisive conflicts. For anyone involved in restoring a church, this is a valuable resource that could make a great difference in the work.  These same guidelines also help build solid churches from the beginning. At a time when there is a great need for healthy, vibrant churches everywhere, this is a timely document.

63 pgs | Paperback | Dwight Tomlinson

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