Guidelines for Church Ushers
Guidelines for Church Ushers
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Guidelines for Church Ushers—A Practical Manual for Sunday-by-Sunday Procedure
One of the greatest needs in our churches today is a well-organized, properly trained corporation of ushers. Every usher should know his job and take tremendous pride in it, just as should a musician, a Sunday school teacher, a bus captain or a staff member.
This small manual outlines and describes the many facets of the usher's tasks and properly puts them in perspective. It places each area of duty on a very high pedestal. An usher can be one of your church's most valuable public relation representatives. No one comes in personal contact with as many people. Ultimately, his Christlike manner and attitude will be a soul-winning aid.
This pamphlet is a workable, practical manual for Sunday-by-Sunday procedure.
13 pgs | Pamphlet | Lindsay Terry