Fall of a Fledgling Fundamentalist, The
Fall of a Fledgling Fundamentalist, The
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Truly biblical fundamentalist preachers are all too few, and their ranks are thinning from the attacks of the media, liberal clergy and even their own people.
That first couple in the Garden of Eden started out right and then went wrong. Many fundamental Christians are following this same pathway toward the precipice!
This book reminds every Christian of the real potential of falling and will exhort and encourage every man of God to draw near to Him and immerse himself in the Bible.
81 pgs | Paperback | Justin Cooper
For those like me, who are Independent Fundamental Baptist with our compromise, Sword of the Lord is the only source of resources with our beliefs and most importantly our doctrine. Dr. Smith has personally taken the time to help me with questions and give me straight to the point answers, that means a lot to me because he certainly doesn't have to especially with his busy schedule. Unfortunately I have crack's within our faith things I thought I would never see, preacher's leaving the Fundamental aspect of our faith, completely given in to compromise. Abandoning our doctrines and rejecting our faith. Folks we live in truly sad time's but the bright side is that the Word of God says these things would happen before the Lord returns. Hey folks we are close to going home Amen!!