Does Jesus Live at Your House?
Does Jesus Live at Your House?
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The Christian home is a basic foundation of America. A high standard of biblical mores was once the norm. Children were brought up to honor the Lord in their lives. However, this is rapidly changing. The heritage of earlier generations must be recaptured and replicated as we set out to build strong families today. Is the Lord Jesus welcome at your house? Is God's presence felt within the walls of your home?
Dr. Lee Roberson encourages us to examine and answer these questions. His wise biblical counsel will provide help for bringing up children "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." It will be necessary to instill the moral values of godliness and holiness and to restore faith, prayer and Bible study to their rightful places if we want Jesus to be found in our homes.
12 pgs | Pamphlet | Dr. Lee Roberson