Hear timeless messages from men who were committed to growing their church bus ministry outreach programs.
Audio messages include:
Audio messages include:
- Bus Lecture (Dr. Jim Vineyard)
- Church Buses in the Bible (Dr. Jack Hyles)
- Dr. Beebe's Life Story (Dr. Wally Beebe)
- The Effective Bus Ministry (Dr. Lee Roberson)
- The First Bus Kid (Dr. Jack Hyles)
- The First Bus Ministry (Dr. Wally Beebe)
- The First Bus Route (Dr. Jim Vineyard)
- How to Motivate Bus Captains (Dr. Jim Vineyard)
- Making the Bus Ministry Work (Dr. Jim Vineyard)
- The Ministry of the Bus Director (Dr. Wally Beebe)
- Mr. Bus Man Song (Dr. Wally Beebe)
- Promotions in the Bus Ministry (Dr. Wally Beebe)
- Recruiting and Motivating Bus Workers (Dr. Wally Beebe)
- Taking the Bus Ministry Higher (Dr. Wally Beebe)
- Where Is the Lord God of Elijah? (Dr. Jeff Fugate)