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Be of Good Cheer

Be of Good Cheer

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After suffering a catastrophic and disabling illness, John Bishop went through some very deep emotional valleys; but it was there in those valleys that he found the faithful help of the Lord. Now, with a heart burdened for others who are also suffering, he offers insights from his own experience with debilitating depression that afflicts many people, including Christians, and gives compassionate support to those suffering and those seeking to help others who are suffering.

Chapters include:

  • Be of Good Cheer
  • With Christ in the World                           
  • God Demands We Control Our Emotions to Some Extent
  • God's First Psychiatrist
  • Some Sins Have More Depression Associated With Them
  • God's Goodness Can Bring Us Through  
  • Wisdom From One of God's Dear Suffering Servants  
  • Was Spurgeon a "Sanitized Psychologist" or a Secular Humanist?
  • God's Wonderful Plan            
  • Postpartum Depression (Davina King)
  • God's Wonderful Plan of Salvation

70 pgs | Paperback | John Bishop

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